Ep. 014 ‣ Mindful Tech: Balancing Digital Life with Real Connections


Dive into the world of 'Mindful Tech' with Christine and learn how to balance your digital life with real, meaningful connections. This episode unpacks the paradox of digital connectivity, offers strategies for an effective digital detox, and guides you in forging authentic relationships in an increasingly online world. Learn practical tips for practicing mindfulness in the digital age and reflect on your digital habits for improved well-being. Get ready to rediscover the joy of real-life interactions and find balance in your tech usage.

“The most powerful forms of connections are love and belonging - Both a huge need for men, women and children.” - Bréne Brown



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C Dang.

A life enthusiast who loves art+design, food, travel and philosophy.


Ep.15 ‣ Heartfelt Conversations: Mastering the Art of Deep Listening


Ep. 013 ‣ New Year, True You: Embracing Authenticity in 2024